Saturday, September 02, 2006


Geez I'm behind on posting! I had a rough week... the internet lost connection for 5 hours on two days thanks to some construction folks who cut the fiber optics line for the DSL. They cut the line about 30 miles from here that knocked out the internet to the entire area. Anyway here's the latest update about a week behind :-).

Last weekend we went to the 87th (I think?...I'm pretty sure) Annual HustlerFest, in our beloved little (pop. under 200) Village of Hustler. It's the closest thing to a town near us at 4 miles from our house. Normally we ride bikes to HustlerFest, but I pooped out and was not looking forward to riding bikes home in the dark and up our Monstro Hill. I don't know how Tom rides that hill every day home from work. It's nasty.

The picture below is of the Garden Tractor Pull. This year they had the pull where they have the big tractor pull... next to the Omaha Bike Trail and behind the Hustler Cheese Factory. The white building in the picture below is the Cheese Factory. They make both goat and cow cheese, even some organic cheeses.

For us at HustlerFest this Garden Tractor Pull is the big event. We like it better than the big Tractor Pull because it takes place in the evening, and not in the heat of the day. It's also over in a couple of hours and not an all day event. There are a lot of kids (8 and up range) that drive the garden tractors, so Reeve and Kyle like to see that. A lot of locals are there on Friday night, so it's nice to get out and chat with neighbors you don't get to see otherwise. The kids had a blast running around the park playground with the other kids while we watched the log sawing contest. The trick in winning the log sawing contest is in the pulling. It's a two person contest. Gary Gladstone wrote a book entitled, "Passing Gas, and Other Towns on the American Highway," and in that book he states that when he traveled through Hustler it was sooo boring that it made his hair hurt. That probably sums up about how most are feeling about this post.

1 comment:

Gordon said...

" it was sooo boring that it made his hair hurt. That probably sums up about how most are feeling about this post." Are you kidding me? This is my weekly excitement...keep up the good work. ;)