They arrived shortly before Ed's arrival. The funny thing is that the last time Ed came to visit us my folks were here. Cosmic timing. We also rarely get visitors, so to have them all decide to come on one day was pretty exciting for us all. Reeve and Kyle were extremely happy. We set to work right away planting the raspberry plants. Then we set in on the flower bed. Tommy was nice enough to take a time out from his visit with Ed to till up the new flower bed. For weeks I had the area covered with cardboard boxes to kill the grass. That actually worked fairly well, but it was nice to have it tilled so the earth was nice and loose for planting.
After all the outdoor work was done I set to work in the kitchen. I made two pizzas and a garden fresh salad (no bagged spinach in this house!). While I was making the pizzas Reeve, Kyle, and my Mom picked the spinach, tomatoes, basil, lettuce, and kale for the the pizzas and salad. I should have had two bowls of salad instead of just one, because I ended up eating 3 slices of pizza! That's why I'm up right now writing this blog... my tummy was too full to sleep. The kids have been tossing and turning. I woke each of them up to go to the bathroom and drink some water. They're not used to eating so late and they each had 3 slices (normally we limit it to 2). Hopefully they will settle down and sleep it off.
Update: They slept just fine, they're up bright and early, and they're HUNGRY :-).