The other nice thing is that this snow is providing a lot of insulation. Since our house is built into the slope of a south facing hillside we are very insulated. I've noticed a huge difference in the amount of wood I'm putting into the woodstove. It's a lot less now that we've had a few of the white stuff and the indoor temps are steady around 70F.
This is a picture of my spinach row cover... remember the wire fence that I cut, bended, and covered with plastic. Well now it is completely covered with snow. I noticed the bunnies were hanging out in there before the blizzard came! Ugh! They better watch out for Tom. He's rumored to go "nuts" when he sees animals eating our spinach. Luckily bunnies are not on the endangered species list.
Here is one poor little bunny chewing on a root by the old house that we've yet to remove :-).
The snow pushed over our fence that was partially created for bunny and deer control. Thank goodness I haven't seen any deer tracks in the backyard. I'd go "nuts" if I catch them eating my apple trees. That's fur sure! Yah!
The kids won't be swinging for awhile:
We have our snowshoes ready :-)