My parents were able to come visit just before Kyle's 5th Birthday. We had a great time going to a soccer game and opening presents. Too much fun to stay home and cook, so we ordered pizza from the Viking Pizzaria in Elroy. Yummy!
The kids dressed up as knights in shining armor this year for Halloween. We went to a Halloween party at in my parent's neighborhood in Indiana. We also delivered candy filled pumpkins to Realtors (for Affordable Mortgage). We did this all before Halloween and by the time Halloween was here the kids were sick of candy and dressing up.
They love wearing the costumes but they both agreed the candy was way toooo sweet. Ironically after experiencing a couple of pieces of candy for the first time in their lives they both got a little sick. It's been a very long time since they've been sick, so they both associated getting sick with eating the candy. It's too bad there can't be more tricks instead of treats for halloween. It will be interesting to see what they want to do next year.