If I'm busy doing dishes, washing diapers, preparing a school lesson, or making food, then Reeve and Kyle are 100% there for Stella.
Both boys know how to discern if she has a wet diaper. Both boys are fearless about relieving her from a wet diaper...which she CAN'T stand. Kyle is even able to tell if she's giving us a "wet diaper" cry. He'll listen to her and say "Yup that's a wet diaper, or I think that's a burp cry, or Mom...Stella is hungry." I haven't let them put a fresh diaper on her yet, because I don't want them using the diaper pins. They do know how to use the baby wipes, good smelling rash cream (Kyle will put this on her whether she has a rash or not), and hand cleaner. She's oh so much happier being dry.
Kyle LOVES to read to her, and she really is amused listening to him.
When she's not being held she's pretty good in her crib...for awile. Our neighbors down the road lent us their baby crib.
(Pretty purple outfit from Tom's Solar buddy Bob & his wife Cindy...too cute! THANK YOU)
Reeve asked me the other day if he could carry Stella in the Baby Bjorn carrier. I said he could try...it worked and they both loved it!
Stella has been extremely lucky with receiving gifts. More cute outfits to be show cased! It's fun dressing her each day. She's recently received some adorable outfits from my Canadian relatives...THANK YOU AUNTIE ML & DIANE, LEIF & BRIDGETTE. It's a lot of fun having a little girl. Don't get me wrong I was 100% happy and satisfied with my boys, but we are all having fun with Stella. Kyle loves to help me pick out her outfits...I never remember picking out what cute outfits the boys were going to wear. Anyway this next outfit was from Susie that Tom has been working with at his latest project.