The beautiful Fall Colors around here have already begun to disappear...but thankfully we've been enjoying some unseasonably HOT weather the 70's!
For Kyle's Birthday he wanted to dress up in a Halloween costume that my brother Ken used to wear...although I think this was actually a combination of two different costumes. Kyle LOVED it.
We went to a local horse ranch because they were having some Halloween festivities. I thought for sure a lot of kids would be in Halloween costumes, but Kyle was the only one! Reeve chose not to dress up. Kyle said he loved scaring everyone, and it was a great intro into announcing that today was his 6th Birthday.
There was a very cool hay maze there. Kyle scared a lot of folks in there. It was kind of dark, and I did get lost several times!
We took a horse drawn wagon ride to a pumpkin patch. The driver got a kick out of Kyle and let him drive the horses, Lady on the left and Ruby on the right. He said Kyle did a really good job...despite his scary outfit and super-long black finger nails.
There were a lot of good sized pumpkins there, and the kids got a kick out of walking through the pumpkin patch to pick them they were heavy!
After the pumpkin patch we took a walk to the corn maze...oooo...spooky!
Reeve was not impressed with the corn maze...I must admit the hay maze was better.
The last thing we did was suppossed to be a "pony" ride. Well they gave Reeve and Kyle safety helmets and then handed me the reigns to a HORSE.
They said I could walk them around for as long as I liked...sounds like a pretty good deal...right? Well this horse immediately sensed I knew NOTHING about horses and proceeded to shove me around to where he wanted to go which was an ATV with a cart on back full of hay and a cat!
I complained to the nice horse people that the horse wasn't listening to me and didn't want to walk, but wanted to eat. One guy yells to another guy, "Hey Earl can you teach this lady how to handly a horse!" Then Earl shouts back to me, "Yeah, Lady you just yank him to where you want to go." Ugh! Kyle graciously got off to let Reeve have a turn...I tried to yank the horse I really did, but to tell you the truth I was afraid of him too! He was strong and I think he enjoyed head-butting me out of the way. Thankfully Reeve agreed to end my torture, and we went home.
A couple of days later we carved our pumpkins. This year we printed pumpkin designs, taped them to the pumpkins, used a little sharp nail to make the outline on the pumpkin, and then carved on the dotted lines. It was fairly simple and I thought they turned out really well. The kids each carved their own pumpkin all on their own.
Kyle chose a scary Pirate.
Reeve chose a hooting Owl.
And I chose a wicked witch.