Well the temps this past weekend were beautiful...feels more like May lately than March. I've been wanting to take a pic of the work van since we got the lettering put on it, but it's been super dirty.
Tom and the boys fixed that. Reeve and Kyle LOVE to wash cars, and they could hardly wait to clean up the work van.
I stayed at a distance...Reeve can be a overly ambitious with the hose. They hadn't even started to wash the van and Kyle was soaking wet. Reeve said it was an accident and Kyle was laughing so hard I don't think he cared.
We're all pleased with the way the lettering turned out.
I finished as much as I could with my other gift cross-stitch, and I got started on the one for the baby. It's a design that I embellished from a cross-stitch that my friend Dana made for our wedding. I made one a couple of years ago, but I took lousy notes on how I did it. It took me a little bit, but I worked it out and hopefully wrote better notes this time. Picking the colors was difficult. I'm just not into the typical baby pastel colors, and I wanted to use colors that I had in plenty...to use them up.
The wedding design had flowers where my hearts are.
I chose 4 colors, so we'll see how it turns out.
On Tuesday Tom had a class in Milwaukee and we all got up at 4am to drive down there with him. We dropped Tom off at his class and the kids and I went to the zoo. I'm still organizing those pics, but I'll try to post them soon. It was a work out walking around that zoo!
Yesterday I finally got out in the garden and planted a 4 10' rows: 1 spinach, 1 Black-Seeded Simpson Lettuce, 1 red/green lettuce mix, and one salad bowl lettuce mix. The day before I started on hoeing the rows for my sweet peas, but that has a bit more work to do. Reeve loves hard work, but after about 20 minutes of hoeing kind of muddy grass he gave up. I worked at it for about an hour after that. I have 3 12-14' rows of sweet peas planned, so hopefully I can get them in the ground soon...I'm a little late, but oh well! I also have seeds to start indoors (cabbage, broccoli, etc...). At any rate the spinach should be ready to eat a couple of days after the baby arrives...can't believe we have LESS THAN 5 MORE WEEKS!