Friday, June 15, 2012

~Random~Epic~Awesome~ kids "it" words for the week.
Reeve: Random. Spoken at least once a day.
Me: Reeve would you like to help me weed ulu'he?
Reeve: That was random.
Me: (Serving a huge bowl of guacomole to hungry, random, epic, awesome kids)
Reeve: That was random.
Kyle: (Jumps out of a tree and rolls on the ground.)
Reeve: That was random.
Stella: (Breaks out into a crazy dance.)
Reeve: That was random.
You get the idea.

Kyle: Epic. Spoken at least once a day.
Kyle: (Jumps out of a tree and rolls on the ground)..."Whoa Reeve! Did you see that? That was Epic!"
Kyle: (Reading James Rollins Amazonia)..."Mom! This is an Epic Novel" No kidding he really said "novel."
Me: (Serving a huge bowl of guacomole to hungry, random, epic, awesome kids)
Kyle: Whoa! That bowl of guacomole is Epic
You get the idea.

Stella: Awesome.
Spoken at least once a day.
Kyle: (Jumps out of a tree and rolls on the ground).
Stella: That was Awesome!
Stella: (Breaks out into a crazy dance, then giggles) "Did you see my dance? It was Awesome!"
Me: (Serving a huge bowl of guacomole to hungry, random, epic, awesome kids)
Stella: That was Awesome!
You get the idea.

This post is definitely random, epic and awesome. The pictures and videos in this post were taken at random, epic and awesome moments by my kiddos on the ipad. I asked Reeve the other day to help me put them on the computer because I could not figure it out. The ipad has no usb port and I was dumfounded. Reeve, however, was not and easily performed this simple random task for me. 

 Below...Reeve took two pictures of me weed whacking the yard with our wheeled string trimmer.

I hope everyone will have a random, epic, and awesome weekend!!!