We actually had a very nice last day of winter. It was sunny and the temps were in the 40's.
For those of you with curbside trash/recycling pick-up please consider yourselves very fortunate. We do not have that luxury and there is nothing more sobering than having to deal with the storage and then removal of your own trash. We're very aware of how much garbage we produce and we try very hard to minimize our waste. I seriously think the last time Tom went to the dump was way back in September. I have a recycling system setup in the garage for paper, bottles, plastic, and cans. We actually have 3 to 4 times as many recyclables than we do garbage. Since we had an early snow this winter season that stayed around all winter Tom wasn't able to get his truck moved from in front of the wood pile. His little red truck has been our garbage truck, but I couldn't take the pile up any longer.
It took me about an hour yesterday to load up the mini van with just recyclables. I removed about a quarter of what we have in the garage. Incredible! The kids could barely fit in the back seat.