Reeve was way too hot in Florida, and he was worried they were going to miss some good snow back home. It seems like everyday since about August he's been waiting for the snow to come. He's spent countless hours drawing up plans of our yard and where he and Kyle are going to build their snow forts for the snowball fights. Before we left we had a little snow and they were out there trying to sled on was difficult because there was such a tiny amount of snow and the grass was still poking out...then it melted on them and they came inside all muddy. Many a time Reeve's expressed a concern about moving to the South...he's afraid life will be miserable with no snow and hot weather. I seriously think if we did move down South he'd have Seasonal Affectivenss Disorder (SAD) becuase there'd be no snow. He even loves it when it gets pitch black dark at 4:30pm! Last week it was like 13F outside and he was out trying to build his snow forts in the 2" of snow we had. He stayed out there for hours and long past Kyle's limit. Kyle came in rosy cheeked and frozen looking, so I checked on Reeve...I think he was joking, but when I asked him if he was cold he said, "No! Are you kidding me? I'm sweating!" He just looked so happy. He said that if we move we should move to Viroqua, WI and for his first job he wants to go around to all of our neighbors and offer to shovel their snow off the sidewalks.
We were also glad to get back and rescue my friend from our cat Cosmo. She said he did fine in her house, but he was anxious to get outside. It's also really tough to leave in the cold weather for any length of time because it takes such a long time to get the house back up to a comfortable temperature.
Since we've been back from our Thanksgiving trip we've had over a foot of snow fall. Monday night through Tuesday we had 10 inches of snow fall from one storm. Our neighbor was super kind to plow out our driveway. Reeve is a maniac with the snow shovel. He didn't even want to eat breakfast Tuesday morning when he saw the mountains of snow outside. He got his snow suit on and was out there shoveling pathways. He made some nice pathways for me to the mailbox and compost pile...I was really tickled. Kyle's not into shoveling, but he's good at keeping Reeve entertained out there. He's constantly acting out some play he's thought up and he really cracks himself up with his wittiness.
Okay...moving on to our wonderful trip to Atlanta for Thanksgiving. We had a blast there and the kids loved playing with their cousins. Tommy and the kids found some great parks to play in, and we learned that Gwinett County Georgia is number one in the nation for their parks system. We drove around and saw where Tommy grew up and the parks where he used to play.
They had fun whispering to each other at this park:
I think they were supposed to stand on these spinners, but they had fun sitting:
After seeing pictures of their Uncle Ken and Aunt Erin rock climbing they couldn't wait to scale this rock climbing boulder:
Tommy had fun learning to set the timer on our camera:
This one is a better practice shot before the group picture...I'm almost 5 months pregnant :-)
We got some really good family pics's one:
and a great family pic with the timer outside:
Thanksgiving dinner was wonderfully delicious. The kids were really cute all dressed up.
They even held hands and said a Thanks before they ate:
The next day a few of us went to the Coke Museum in downtown Atlanta.
We saw lots of American Coke art:
and Santa Coke art:
The American Idol couch from Season 4 was there:
We also got to taste different coke products from around the world.
My favorite was a gingery tasting one from Tanzania. Sadly we've brainwashed our kids so much that they refused to even try a coke. Reeve was in disbelief that I'd want him to try something that could rott his teeth out. We tried to explain that a little every once in awhile would do no harm, but both of them were very serious about not drinking even one ounce.
The visit ended with a sit on Santa's lap