Do I have any great pictures of it??? NO! I've been inside with Stella...not really wanting to venture out in the white stuff with her, staying way to busy trying to keep the house organized. Reeve and Tom have been chopping wood and shoveling, and well...I believe Kyle's good at providing entertainment. If you're working hard, he does his best to try to make you laugh.
One thing I'm pretty tickled about (so is Stella) is the new flooring the boys are installing. We're still working on it, and nothing is arranged real purty yet, so I have no finished pictures. In some of the family outtake photos you can see it somewhat finished. It looks real nice and is MUCH easier to clean than the concrete.
Here are some of the install pictures:
Well it's Raye Family Portrait time...time to set up the fancy smancy (Not!)studio in the living room, get out the tripod, and practice setting the timer for the ultimate in do-it-yourself-style family portrait. We had MANY MANY MANY pictures...I've assembled about a quarter of them below. It was amazing Stella stayed good as long as she did! It was amazing Kyle stayed good as long as he did.
Setting up the scenery:
Kyle's mugshot...let's hope it's his last, please folks he needs all the hoping he can get!
Here's the "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil" series:
Fun with the timer!
Tom's hand can be seen as he tries to run into the shot!
Stella decided to throw her hat on the ground!
Stella was PULLING Kyle's hair!
Laura is just a little TOO HAPPY in this picture while Stella is trying to fly away! we come to the series labeled "Caught in the headlights"
This one COULD have been the family portrait, but you'll see the real one soon!