My friend Brenda has new baby goats. We went to visit with them and let me tell ya my kids loved these kids! They were so soft and sweet and full of boundless energy... just like my kids.
They let Reeve and Kyle pick them up and carry them around. I wish the weather would warm up so we could go back there again soon.
Goats are one of my favorite farm animals. If we ever get another animal I think it will be a goat... It's not in our near future because we like to travel too much. We're lucky that we can go down the road and hang out with Brenda and her goats, and chickens, and her dogs: a very sweet Doberman named Angel and her German Sheppard Zeus.
Brenda showed the kids how to milk Mama Jane. Jane was very nervous, but she was a trooper and even let both Reeve and Kyle milk her! What an experience these guys had :-)
Raye Updates: All has been well here. We were teased with beautiful 70F weather a couple of weeks ago and now we'll be lucky to make it to the 40sF all through next week. Ugh!
My Mom is coming for a week long visit tomorrow. Reeve is thrilled to have Nana come up for his birthday (Easter Sunday this year) and he's even made a list (in 15 minute increments) of all the things he wants to do with her when she arrives. The funny thing is I used to make these same type of 15min increment lists when I was a kid... a much older kid (like Jr. High). It's kind of weird to see Reeve do it, because he's never seen me make one of these lists. I was pretty obsessive about it as a kid. I still make extensive lists, but I got over the whole "done to the minute" thing... do you think something like that is really in someones genetic make-up?
My Dad couldn't come up this time for several reasons: 1)He's just now getting back to work after taking 6 weeks off for foot surgery 2)His foot is healing from surgery 3)We needed someone here for a week, and not a weekend... I'll explain :-)
Tommy is flying to New York for computer HVAC training for his job. He leaves Sunday morning and returns late Tuesday night. I have a 3day training course in La Crosse for my new job. I get to learn how to do the opening bookwork so that my boss can schedule me on the weekend 4am-2pm shift. I really prefer this shift as I can knock out 20hrs of work in just 2 days and still like I have somewhat of a weekend. I don't like working the 8am-6pm shift on the weekends. It ruins the whole day for me. I feel pretty lucky because Peter (my boss) had to get special permission to get me into this training course. It's not something they usually let you into when you've only worked there a month, but Peter knows I'm over-qualified for what I'm doing right now.
So THANK YOU Mom for coming to our rescue :-) I certainly wouldn't have been able to go to La Crosse for this training session because Tom will be in New York for the first day.
We've decided to step into the 21st Century and we now are the proud owners of a cute little Motorolla cell phone. Tommy needed to get his real estate business cards printed and so we HAD to get a cell phone. I'm stoked! I know this will be his business phone, but I'm having fun with it in the interim. The reception is not the greatest in the house, but we can get three bars if we go up to the driveway. Pretty cool, eh?
Speaking of eh.... we've just reserved our campspot in Banff, Alberta Canada for our summer camping trip with our Canadian rels. We'll be driving over 4000 miles round-trip in August. Our first stop will be in Winnipeg, Manitoba, then we'll head west to Banff. From there we go up to Prince George, British Columbia, then down to Vancouver area for the "Little Family Reunion" in Berthusen Park, Lynden, Washington.