We needed a bagging lawn mower. If you're going to garden organically you have to have mulch and grass clippings make a really good mulch. We have tons of grass, but we didn't have a bagging mower. We didn't want to go out and buy an expensive gas guzzling mower just for the bag, so we bought a Reel Mower. It runs on all of Reeve's abundant ENERGY.

It's very easy to push and we've got tough weedy grass. I actually think it's easier to push than our gas powered mower. It's certainly a lot less noisy and really easy to start :-). Reeve really loves to push it around. We find we want to mow the grass more often. I always felt extremely guilty using the gas mower all the time knowing we were causing more green house gasses, and now we don't have to feel guilty at all.
I took these pictures on Saturday evening when it wasn't terribly HOT. We're in a record breaking heat wave right now. Yesterday it was a 102F (38.8C) here, way too hot to be outside mowing the lawn. It's only supposed to get up to 96F (35.5C) today, and then in the 80's tomorrow.
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