Kyle had his 4th Birthday last week, and boy is he glad to be four. He says it's just easier to hold up 4 fingers vs. 3 fingers.

The evening before his birthday Reeve wanted to take a family walk up the hill. They both insisted upon wearing their snow boots. This is a before picture (note not all the pumpkins ripened... I need to plant them a bit earlier next year). It was a beautiful evening for a walk and we were off to a really good start. We made it up the first big hill and we were on our way to the second smaller hill when... Kyle tripped on his klunky snow boots, skinned his knee, and got an asphault burn on his forehead. Luckily he did not hurt his broken arm! He got up and wanted to finish the walk, but only if someone held his hand. Poor kid! He's heard so many people say "poor Kyle or poor kid" to him that he asked us when he wouldn't be "poor" anymore. In his mind the day he gets his cast off will be the last day that he is poor.

He was very happy with all of the gifts that he received. He's now started the official countdown to Christmas, and then after Christmas it will be Reeve's Birthday. That's the priority listing of events in Kyle's mind right now. I took more video than digital pictures. We didn't even get a picture of the Birthday pizza I made, but we did get it on video. After making the pizza I didn't have the time to make the birthday pumpkin pie. We saved that treat and I made it two days later.

Reeve insisted that they each get a candle. Reeve is now officially 6.5 years old :-)
The pumpkin pie was delicious. I pressure steamed the pie pumpkin that I grew from our garden. My favorite cousin Gordon asked what's the difference between pie and regular pumpkin. Well when I cut into the pie pumpkin I noticed there was a lot more pumpkin in there than in a jack-o-lantern pumpkin. Also I tasted the pumpkin right after I cooked it and it was incredibly sweet! Yummmmy! One pie pumpkin made two pumpkin pies which were devoured in less than 24hours. I also made a honey lemon juice sauce to pour over top. The kids really loved it, which surprised me a litttle.
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