This was the first picture I took... The kids were very rambunctious one night, so we broke out a 550 piece muppets puzzle for them to do. That worked for about 15 minutes :-). I think it took all of us (mainly R & K) about 2 days to complete. Now we've got a 1000 piece cat puzzle on the table. I've done most of the work there... it's a funky puzzle where some of the edge pieces are so tiny you don't even realize there an edge and other piece you think are edges are not. For that reason it's really hard for the kids to enjoy.

It was a beautiful weekend, so I decided to take some outdoor pictures. This is a view of the new fence Tom put up to protect the apple trees from the pesky deer and of the garden looking east. In the lower left corner I have a lot of volunteer cilantro, so that's why it looks unweeded and not as nice as the other parts of the garden.

Another view of the completed fence. The doorway out on this side is through the greenhouse frame.

Last view of the fence... this time looking west. Some day we hope to take those old farm buildings down, but we want to try to save the barn wood. Believe it or not, rustic barn wood is a hot commodity around here. Lots of folks use it for interior wall paneling, decor, etc... Anyway Tom brought the fence to the house, so now the yard is completely enclosed and we even have a gate. Yay :-).

Tom tried to teach the kids how to jump rope this weekend. We need to get them some size appropriate jump ropes. Reeve just didn't get it. The poor kid must learn how to jump rope. Tom also did some more work on the minivan and we think it is now road worthy again to take to Atlanta for Thanksgiving.
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