When we went to Baraboo to get Kyle's cast off we ventured over to their St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Store and found some great cross-country skiis for the kids. We still have some binding adjustments to make for Kyle's set, but Reeve couldn't wait to try his out. In the store he was pretty adamant that he'd rather downhill than cross-country, and he'd rather snowboard above all. Well there wasn't quite enough snow for snowboarding. He decided cross-country wasn't so bad afterall.

After everyone had some nice rosy cheeks from playing out in the snow we decided it would be a really good time to take the Family Portrait. It took many pictures for us to get the right one. It was a fun thing to do.

These two pic were among the many discarded takes before we got the right one. Everyone that knows me knows that I can't keep a secret to save my life. Let's just say you'll see the keeper portrait in about 5 weeks :-). Oh and if you let me know early what size you'd prefer... that'd be great!

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