After eating 5 apples (shared with Kyle & Mom) then Mom flossing his teeth, Reeve's first tooth came out while he was brushing his teeth. He was so excited and proud! He couldn't believe it finally happened. Kyle was dancing around the room singing about how Reeve lost his first tooth while Reeve couldn't stop looking at himself in the mirror.
We called Tom and told him the news right away. He was thrilled and told us he had a great first day snowboarding in Bozeman, Montana. They're checking out of the Bozeman Inn today and traveling about 2hrs to another Montana ski hill called Moonlit Basin. He said the snow is great and they're expecting more snow today.
Hip Hip Hooray! Congratulations Reeve on your first baby-tooth falling out. Did you record Kyle's impromptu tooth song?
Shoot! I didn't :-(
It was right at bedtime and I was tired. Now I'm bummed that I didn't think of that.
I'll tell Reeve you said Congratulations. He wanted me to get the picture and put it on the website right away, so he'll be happy someone noticed him... he's very into attention these days :-).
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