It's been very hectic for me starting back to work. I can't believe it's been over one month now! The job is going great, but I'm a pretty tired girl. I figure in a couple of more months I'll be more adjusted to it. Reeve, Kyle and Tom have all adjusted to my schedule, so that's a good thing. I like all the people I work with. On my weekly evening shift 5pm-11pm I usually work with one other person. We get a lot of interesting regulars at this gas station. Folks that come in every night, and sometimes more than once a night. I'm getting to know them and some of them really get a kick out of teasing the new girl. Lots of small town humor. One girl that I work with is amazing... a regular customer will walk in and she knows what type of cigarrettes they buy, so she'll get them ready. I can do that with a couple of them now, but she knows them all! The local cops like to come in and eat. I feel pretty safe there, but I especially like it when the cops hang around inside. At night when we're closing up they'll even do a slow drive through our parking lot. We stay pretty busy right up until closing... there's a lot for two people to do.
I did take some pics in my recent blog dormancy. I'll work on posting them! Here's the first batch:
For those of you wondering if Tommy was able to keep up his bike commute through the ice and snow... the answer is YES :-)
He really enjoyed it. These were taken March 2nd, 2007 and the snow is almost all melted.
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