Since Reeve had a Lyme's infection last year his body is slightly more adept at handling the bacteria. He has some antibodies in his system to better fight the infection. That's probably why his symptoms weren't as severe as they were last year. I was a work when Tommy got the call from the nurse. He went to the Pharmacy to pick up the 3 week supply of amoxicillin for Reeve. He had 3 choices: #1 chewable tablets (this would have been my pick...Kyle had this when he had Lyme's in January), #2 flavored liquid (I don't like this as much because it only lasts for 2 weeks and it separates too easily), #3 capsules that you have to swallow. He of course chose the very non-kid friendly option #3. Reeve has never swallowed a pill before and he was looking forward to getting the chewable kind like Kyle had. It was a tad stressful, but the upside is that now Reeve is a champ at swallowing pills! He has 7 more left out of 84...he had to take this 4 times a day for 3 weeks!
When I came home from work later that day I noticed I had a bullseye rash on my back! UGH! I went to the doctor on Monday and he sent me to the Pharmacy for a 2 week supply of amoxicillin. I've had it before as well, so that's probably why my symptoms weren't as severe. Next year we are SERIOUSLY considering building a coop and buying some Guinea hens. They love to eat ticks and snakes. They're very easy to take care of, but they are noisy. I'd rather have noise than Lyme's.
On a lighter note... the monarchs came out of their chrysallis and the kids got to have fun with them crawling around on their faces.
Reeve loved this:
Tommy took this pic of Kyle. It's a really good shot of the butterfly, and we identified it as a female. The male would have thicker lines on the lower wings with two "eye" dots
Now this second generation of Monarchs will live their entire lives in Wisconsin...They don't migrate to Mexico. They'll lay larvae that will turn into the third generation in mid-late August...that's the generation that will migrate to Mexico. Finally the 4th generation will live only in Mexico.
1 comment:
Thank you for the update.
Not 1 but 2 in one week!!
If you are taking a survey count, four of us in Florida dislike ticks too.
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