A lot has happened in these past few weeks! Tom has resigned from his job with the State of Wisconsin and is now an HVAC manager for a local contractor. He's had one week on the job and loves it. No more suspensions without pay for being 15 minutes late! No more Supervisor from H-E-double L! The owner of the business is very calm, easy going, and genuinely nice. The kids and I met him yesterday. He has nothing but good and positive things to say about Tom...what a relief!
It's Saturday and believe it or not there is a lot I want to get done today. I decided I am going to try to post a little everyday, so despite the fact that this entry is short and sweet it won't take me nearly 3 weeks to post again.
This is a picture of my latest creative time waster:
It's a cross-stitch project that I started a year and a half ago! Where does the time go? I remember I put it on hold when I started back to work at the gas station and then the mortgage business. I decided to get back to my cross-stitching when I found myself obsessively doing sudoku puzzles in my down time...that's the time when I know I have a million things to do (like cleaning/paperwork/etc...) and well I just don't feel like doing them. I try to limit the time to early mornings when I like to wake up before the rest of the family on the weekends or when I get up with Tom during the week. Also in the evening is a good time or when I take 5 min. me-time breaks during the day. The nice thing about cross-stitching is that it is so portable and you can just spend 5 minutes on it here and there.
However Reeve has put a challenge to me. The project I'm working on now is a Four Seasons picture and Reeve has challenged me to finish the "winter" scene before the 20th of March (first day of Spring). He obviously doubts my ability to put all other duties on hold while I greedily spend time stiching. I have a lot to do yet, but I might be able to pull it off. Most of the main stitches are done and what's left is the back stitching and some window stitches.
you can do it! there's not much left
Thanks Dana! For those of you who don't know, Dana inspired my love of cross-stitch! It's coming along, and I just might finish it before Thursday. Reeve took a look at it this morning and said that he would give me a new challenge if I couldn't complete it by Thursday...now he says that if I can get it finished (just the winter chair) before the snow melts, then that will be good enough for him.
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