As we were leaving the Midwest Renewable Energy Fair we found out that Tommy's cousin Grant was tragically killed. We drove home, unpacked the camping gear, and packed up to leave for his memorial service. As we were leaving we saw a beautiful double rainbow.
We love Grant very much and it hurts to have him gone. His memorial was extremely moving and we saw a rainbow circle around the sun during his memorial.
It just doesn't seem real. We think about Grant everyday and we will continue to think about him everyday. He was a great person that really gave a lot. He was a unique person and one to be admired for so many wonderful qualities...qualities I know we will try to model. He taught Tommy a lot of lessons growing up and gave him a lot of fond memories. It's just not fair, and it hurts.
**Edit on 18Jul2008**Thanks Dana for your comment I found our wedding pics and scanned one along with a couple of others. I remember that day so clearly, coming up on 15 years! I also included a couple other pics we took before we had a digital camera, so the quality is not that great, but you can clearly see his wonderful smile shining through!

Here he is in 2004 with Reeve and Kyle

I am so sorry to hear this. I assume this is someone I met at your wedding all those years ago. Everyone was so great. So sorry.
Love you guys!
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