Thanks to our neighbor tending our fields for his organic dairy cows we actually have some okay downhill slopes.
They're not steep by any means, but good practice grounds for Reeve, and pretty fun run on the sled.
The thing about the sled ride is you have to bail out right at the end...otherwise you will go over the cliff and into the very steep valley.
All in all good fun. Just wish it was a little warmer for them to enjoy it. Well...not too warm. We're actually going to be 36F today and in the 40'sF tomorrow! All that and we still had a -10F windchill this morning.
Don't ya just love those rosy cheeks?
Well here it pregnant belly pic.
Kyle really gets a kick out of feeling the baby kick. We have a fiesty little one inside me. Everytime it's Kyle's hand on my belly I swear the baby kicks (or punches) twice as hard as normal. We now have less than 11 weeks to delivery day! YIKES!!!
You look beautiful!
Hello pretty cousin, love the snow pics! You look great.
Cuz'n G
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