I can hardly believe Stella will be 4 months old in a couple of days! She sure has changed a lot. She doesn't have the nighttime crying fits anymore, she can roll from her back to her tummy.
She can push up with her arms when she's on her tummy. She loves to smile.
She loves to giggle. She tries really hard to talk. She can go days without crying at all...as long as someone is nearby she's a happy little baby.
Reeve and Kyle are super wonderful at taking care of her and giving her lots of positive attention and tons of love.
She's very interested in picture books now, and Kyle is great at reading to her.
She really enjoys it now...he's been reading to her since she was in my belly!
So sweet!
Usually we see a lot of rainbows in May & June...this year we've caught some beauties in August. It was really amazing to see the rainbow go right through the cloud.
Tom is such a great, attentive, and loving Dad!
He likes to carry her on his front...I like to carry her on my back. Kyle took the picture that is below...
We set up a booth for our business at the Local Energy Excellence Fair that was in Mauston...it was our first booth for the business. Reeve and Kyle were excellent salesmen! They really got into it...handing out brochures, coupons, and calendars.
I can't belive I am the only comment.
Stella IS the cutest baby in the world.
Tom needs to secure her room real soon. The boys will be around before you know it.
Summer is over and the fall temps are moving in.
We only have been 88 to 89 degrees as highs.
God bless and take care.
Getting out our Ergo pack for round two, this is my favorite baby gear and works great around boats!!! Thanks for sharing all this in your blog, so fun to read about your family and fun. Hilary
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