Saturday, July 28, 2012

Vacation on the Other Side

My parents came for a visit and we stayed with them on the other side of the island for 2 fun-filled weeks. I have not posted much lately due to frustration with technology. Our internet connection here is just a tad faster than dial-up and there is a cap set at how much we can use each month. There is some cute videos we took, and I wanted desperately to figure out (or have the kids figure out) how to edit them and set them to music. Alas, when they appear here they will likely be raw footage. Time has also been a factor...2 wks vacation = 4 weeks of work to catch up!!
There were a lot of fairly tame turkeys at the condo!
 Forgive the sunny shot...we were on a boat, heading to Kealakekua Bay for some snorkeling.

 The white monument is the Captain Cook Monument. This is where Captain Cook was killed when it was realized he wasn't a god and wasn't so great after all. The bay is a marine sanctuary. The water was crystal clear and deep and we saw lots of fish and coral.

 Stella and Kyle asleep on the boat ride home.
 Volcanoes National day we ventured back to our side of the island.

 Trail to the Thurston Lava Tube
 Lava Tube entrance

 Punalu'u Black sand beach. The beach sand was so fine and so black and so beautiful!
 A resting honu

More pics to come, as I snap out of my techno frustration and just work with what I have.


verdemama said...

Yay! So happy to see the sunny pictures from your family again :) Love to you all.

Laura said...

Thanks Nikole :)
Big Love to your Family! We miss you all!!