Our little Stelle-Belle (Kyle's nickname for her is Stelle-Belle-Xcell) is 6 months old today...I can't believe it! She is a cutie-pie and very happy, but she also has her fits when she wants something. Usually her fits happen when she's tired and needs to take a nap or go to bed. Pretty normal stuff. She's trying hard to crawl forward and has done it a couple of times, but backward crawling is oh so much easier. She likes to do "downward dog" (yoga pose). She has said "mama" several times when she wants me to pick her up. She also says "da da da da." She babbles a lot and tries to sing with us. The new curriculum I'm using for the kids really encourages a lot of singing...something I really need to practice! We sing a neat Canadian Folk Song in our home school cooperative called
"Land of the Silver Birch." We sing it a lot around the house lately and the boys are convinced they heard Stella trying to sing it.
Reeve likes to take Stella to the piano to bang out some tunes.

In our cooperative the boys are learning to knit. Kyle is very good at "casting on," so good that he likes to rip his knitting out to start over again just so he can cast on. Reeve and Kyle both made a chicken, but I couldn't find them this morning to take a picture of them. Stella LOVES their chickens, and they're happy to let her suck on them and play with them. Somehow she managed to take all the stuffing out of Kyle's chicken, luckily Kyle thought it was hillarious.

Reeve is having a blast with the knitting. He wakes up early to work on it. Right now he's making a
I think they're both doing great. Reeve is very proud of himself because he has learned how to purl.

Today is their Halloween party, so pictures of pumpkins, pirates, and wizards are in your future.
I love seeing this. When I taught knitting to an 8th grade art class, the boys were MUCH better at it than the girls. What a super skill.
I am a compulsive knitter, baby clothes are my thing and I think this is a great thing your curriculum is doing...boys/men are some of the most fabulous knitters! We will be picking your brain when it comes time to school girls. hilary
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