The wedding took place in an outdoor open half-walled chappel. During the ceremony there was a brief sun shower that was on one side (the bride's side) of the chappel. The temperature was perfect the whole day. The food was delicious and the company was superb. Reeve and Kyle hung out with a cutie pie 3yr old named Max. They also fished on the pier and Tommy took them for a ride in a paddle boat.

This is the gift I stitched for their wedding.

We thought it would be fun to camp in NC before and after the wedding. It seemed like we had just enough dry weather to set up the camp, get ready for the wedding, then take down the camp. At all other times there was a constant steady drizzle. We learned that our new tent is too big, not suited for cooler weather, and not well suited to rainy weahter. Also the screen tent we bought for the picnic table was not meant for rainy weather. The water pools on the top and then down pours right onto the picnic table. Despite the wetness we had a lot of fun and are looking forward to camping in this area again.

We had a beautiful camp spot right in the Appalachian mountains. Our campsite was right next to Laurel Creek.

The driving there was really different. A lot of the roads we took were extremely curvy and our top speed was about 30mph with me constantly applying my imagniary passenger side breaks. As many of you know my navigational skills are not the greatest and I ended up steering us onto the scenic route out of the Appalachians. We could only drive about 30mph the whole way down and I was extremely woozy when we finally made it out of the mountains. What was suppossed to take us 2-3 hours according to map quest took us about 6hours!
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